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  Project Goals :

A lot of people say they want to help the homeless. Well, here is the opportunity to "Walk the Talk". Getting involved with our walk and helping us raise funds will give us the ability to make a larger impact and help more people.
How do we plan to help ?

How many times have you heard someone make the comment - "those people should go and get a job!" ? Our question is, How do you expect someone to go get a job, and KEEP the job, that has no ability to stay clean, use a shower and keep clean clothes ? When you live outside in the dirt, your options for hygiene are rather limited. Did you know it is now illegal to use soap to wash yourself at Hawaii's outdoor beach showers ? Where do homeless people shower ? Feeling fresh is a huge portion of feeling confident about yourself, and ultimately, keeping a job.

Part of our project goals are to work on a way to get showers, laundry and other hygiene services to people that are homeless. At first this may simply be making hygiene kits and providing shaving lotion, razors, soaps, deodorant and laundry detergent. Our long term objectives are to expand or open new locations and include showers, laundry and even storage options at these locations.

Storage. When you live outside, its really difficult to have secure storage. People that are homeless are often loosing or having stolen their important documents, medications, ID's and other important items. Regarding the recent sweeps in Kakaako, many people online have harshly criticized the homeless saying "They should be putting their stuff "away" if they want to keep it before the city trash crews show up."

This begs the question : Where exactly is "away" ?
When you are homeless, where is this magical "away" safe place to store your important documents and other items ? If you have a house you have an "away", an attic, under the steps or in the garage. But for people that are homeless, there is no safe place.

Part of our goals for the money raised with our walk are to help homeless people create a more stable base for themselves. Everyone knows, its hard to build when your base is unstable. We plan to help people build that base, and ultimately make progress.... just like our walk... ONE step at a time.

Its Time to "Walk the Talk" Hawaii.

  About Us :

"Walk The Talk" is an active project of Hawaiian Hope - www.HawaiianHope.org - a non profit organization (pending IRS approval.)

You might have heard about us. But then again, you might not have. Generally, we keep kinda quite, We don't advertise much, we don't seek out the media for the spotlight, and we typically don't brag about what we do. We just focus on getting the job done, action and results - We're not about a lot of talk.

But... since the entire point of this event is to get the word out, Now we will talk a little.

Below are some key points about us that you may not be aware of. These are also key reasons why you should find it rewarding and comfortable to support our event, our efforts and our organization. Quite bluntly, we're a good investment of your time and money.

  • Hawaiian Hope is, for the most part, self funded with no government grants of any kind (your tax dollars)
  • Hawaiian Hope gets all of our support from people like you that believe in us, and from projects that make money for us - we earn it.
  • Hawaiian Hope has NO paid staff. Everything we accomplish, we accomplish through the efforts of incredibly dedicated volunteers.
  • With that previous statement, we are not spending most of our money on payroll. All of our money goes directly to support our projects.
  • One project : We take in and refurbish donated computers, then give them away. We have given away almost 1,000 FREE computers.
  • Our free computers go to homeless shelters, clean and sober houses, low income families and the homeless directly.
  • We opened an Internet Cafe that served over 15,000 people in 5 months. People use our computers to do job searches & homework.
  • Our cafe "staff" are all volunteers, and several of them are homeless. Working in our cafe is not just to teach people about computers, but instead, how to run a business. Our volunteers are trained on every aspect of running a business, including doing the daily reports, completing all tracking paperwork, inventory control and restocking the shelves, ordering inventory, rotating inventory, facing product, customer service, greeting the customer and cash management.
  • We participate in the Job Fairs at the Blaisdell, setting up 40 computer free of charge, so people can fix their resumes and apply for jobs. At the last job fair it is estimated that over 400 people used our computers.

  • This is what we are about - Action and Results - Walking the Talk. And, the reason we are doing this event is we hope to get you involved as well. Your action, your involvement will help us achieve much better results.

    Join us and "Walk The Talk !"

    Walk The Talk - Shelter the People !
    WalkTheTalkHawaii.org is an active project of Hawaiian Hope.
    Copyright © 2015 Hawaiian Hope, www.HawaiianHope.org, All Rights Reserved.